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God will create a lane for you

Many of us have heard that there's no right or wrong way to live your life as long as you're happy. But sometimes, life doesn't work out that way, and we feel like we're hitting a brick wall. It can be frustrating, especially when we look around and see others living their dreams. But we're not all meant to follow the same path. God created each and every one of us with a unique set of skills, talents, and abilities. So, even when it seems like there's no way forward, God will create a lane for you.

In the movie, The Grand Turismo, the boy couldn't afford to become a race car driver, so he becomes a video race car driver instead. But with persistence, he gets an opportunity of a lifetime that allows him to become a real race car driver and win the race. This had never been done in racing history. In the same way, God can create a lane for us to pursue our dreams, even if it seems impossible.

When we walk in faith and trust God, we open ourselves up to His plans for us. We can pursue our desires without fear because we know that God will make a way for us. However, we have to remain patient and trust that God is working behind the scenes.

Sometimes, we look around and see others who are doing what we've always wanted to do and assume that it's not meant for us. But God's timing is always perfect, and He will send whoever He needs to help us fulfill our purpose.

When we focus on our unique plan, vision, and goal that God has placed within us, we become unstoppable. When we trust in God's divine plan and relentlessly pursue our goals, doors that seemed impossible to open suddenly unlock. These are the times where God shows us that He is our defender and provider.

As we walk in faith and pursue our dreams, we may encounter obstacles, but know that God will make a way for us. When we face opposition, it's important to not lose hope and to lean on God's promises.

God truly has a plan for every single one of us. Whether it's to become a race car driver or to pursue a different avenue, God will create a lane for us to follow His plan for our lives. We don't need to compare ourselves to others or feel like we're not good enough. Instead, we need to walk in faith, trust God's timing and believe that with Him, all things are possible. So, if you've been feeling stuck or lost, know that God is with you, and He will make a way for you.



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